into the Angelic Warfare Confraternity
What is the Ceremony of Solemn Reception?
This ceremony is a paraliturgical prayer service, approved by the confraternity and the Catholic Church, where men and women are officially received as members of the confraternity by a duly authorized priest. During this ceremony, the following occurs:
The declaration of one’s intention to join the confraternity
Prayers for the special graces of chastity associated with the confraternity.
The reception of the blessed cord or medal of Saint Thomas
The priest officially receives men and women as members of the confraternity.
The names of new members are inscribed into an official register by the promoter of the Angelic Warfare Confraternity.
Through this reception, those enrolled are made sharers in all the graces, indulgences, privileges, and spiritual benefits of the confraternity.
Which priests are authorized to preside?
Any Dominican priest, by virtue of his incorporation in the Order of Preachers, is authorized to preside over ceremonies of solemn reception.
Non-Dominican priests may be given the faculty to receive new members by their regional promoter of the confraternity.
Submit your enrollment form in order to become a true member of the AWC.
The inscription of new members’ names into the official register of the confraternity is an essential part of the enrollment process.
One does not become a member of the confraternity until the promoter of the confraternity writes one’s name in the official register.
The enrollment ceremony envisions that the promoter of the confraternity himself is presiding, such that the inscription of names occurs as the final part of the ceremony itself.
In cases where the enrollment ceremony is not being presided over by the promoter of the confraternity, the priest who presides must collect the names of those who have undergone the ceremony and submit them to the promoter by means of the AWC enrollment form. Once the promoter receives the names, he will inscribe them in the confraternity’s register, thus making those who have been enrolled official members of the Angelic Warfare Confraternity.
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Angelic Warfare Confraternity
1 Cunningham Square
Providence, RI 02918
“May the Lord gird you with the cincture of purity, and by the merits of St. Thomas Aquinas, extinguish within you every evil desire that you may remain wholly integrated and chaste until death.”
Prayer from the Celebration of Solemn Reception into the Angelic Warfare Confraternity